Illinois has long valued evidence-based home visiting programs as an effective and efficient strategy for improving the life trajectory of expectant and new families who are at risk for poor health, educational, economic and social outcomes.
Over the past three decades, Illinois has reflected this value by developing a robust statewide home visiting system that cuts across agencies and funding streams, reaching from the highest levels of government to the providers on the ground.
NEW! Home Visiting Cost Model Narrative
In 2020, Start Early created a cost model to estimate the adequate cost of providing voluntary, accessible, comprehensive home visiting services at scale across Illinois, with support from the Maternal Infant and Early Childhood Home Visiting (MIECHV) program. The cost model includes a narrative report and accompanying spreadsheet with core calculations.
The home visiting cost model supported the early childhood cost modeling for the Illinois Commission on Equitable Early Childhood Education and Care Funding (“Early Childhood Funding Commission”). This report was intended to inform and align with broader work by the Funding Commission to study and make recommendations to the Governor on funding goals and funding mechanisms that provide equitable access to high-quality early childhood education and care services for all children birth to age five.
Questions regarding this cost model can be directed to Kayla Goldfarb, Policy Specialist, Illinois Policy Team, Start Early, at
Illinois HV Needs Assessment Report (CPRD 2020)
As required by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA), the 2020 MIECHV Needs Assessment Report identifies communities (counties) with concentrations of risk; identifies the quality and capacity of existing home visiting programs or initiatives; identifies capacity for providing substance use disorder treatment and counseling services; and collaborates with other statewide needs assessments.
Phone: (312)793-1476